Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education

Reposted with permission from blog.texthelp.com

This week I am wrapping up my series on Universal Design for Learning by discussing where it fits in the college and university setting. Unfortunately, the majority of resources that I find online focusing on UDL use K-12 examples. However, Universal Design for Learning is just as important in Higher Education.

While I had planned to write on the many ways UDL applies to Higher Ed, I found that the video below from McGill University does an excellent job at providing an overview of the topic.

If this is the first time you have heard of Universal Design for Learning, you may want to refer to a previous post where I introduce the topic. Or view additional information on two UDL Principles – Multiple Means of Representation and Multiple Means of Expression.

[youtube id=”LjUKGBipJZA”]

While the video provides great examples of how UDL fits in Higher Education, you can always dig deeper by visiting the Higher Education FAQ page from the National Center on Universal Design for Learning.

Jason Carroll

Jason first learned of Assistive Technology while working on his undergraduate degree where much of his spare time was spent assisting a regional education centre with basic technology needs. Amazed at how this technology could benefit so many students (particularly those he grew up with) he was hooked and immediately became an expert at the centre. After receiving his Masters, Jason returned to the coop to serve as a full time Assistive Technology Consultant serving over 200 schools in the central Kentucky Region. Since this time, Jason has trained thousands on Assistive Technology and Universal Design for Learning concepts throughout the United States and beyond. His focus is on integrating research based practices into the work he does and helping others ensure that what they are doing works. He specialises in assisting people to bridge the gap between operation of technology and actual implementation. Jason is a published author, has taught Instructional Technology and Universal Design for Learning at the University level, and spends a significant amount of time on e-Learning and blended learning initiatives. He is a graduate of the Assistive Technology Applications Certificate Program (ATACP) from California State University at Northridge and holds a Masters in Business Administration. Currently Jason serves as Product Marketing Manager for North America at Texthelp Inc. where he oversees new product launches and speaks nationally on a variety of Assistive Technology topics.